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Planning the lifting task (lifting equipments)

Writer's picture: uesuaeuesuae

Prior to lifting operation, the workers should plan and prepare for the task. They should make sure that they know where they are going, that the area is clear of obstacles and they have a good grip on the load. This includes training of the workers on how to handle loads correctly: their hands, the load and any handles should not be not slippery. We Universal engineering are the supreme supplier of Lifting beams especially spreader beams, Lifting slings and shackles , crane lifting and other hook lifting equipments all over Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and UAE. As the consultant in Middle Eastern countries, we mainly focus on tip toe solutions on your lifting equipment needs.

If they are lifting with someone else, they should both know what they are doing before they start. For a safe performance of a manual handling task they should put their feet around the load, with the body over it, i.e. as close as possible to the load. The lift should be performed using the leg muscles and with straight back. The load should be as close as possible to your body. Lift and carry the load is done with straight downward turned arms.

Requirements for lifting equipment

The employer shall ensure that lifting equipment provided for use at work is safe, i.e. that it is:

· sufficiently strong, stable and suitable for the proposed use. Similarly, the load and anything attached (e.g. timber pallets, lifting points) must be suitable

· positioned or installed to prevent the risk of injury, e.g. from the equipment or the load falling or striking people

· visibly marked with any appropriate information to be taken into account for its safe use, e.g. safe working loads. Accessories, e.g. slings, clamps etc., should be similarly marked

· where equipment is used for lifting people it is marked accordingly, and it should be safe for such a purpose, e.g. all necessary precautions have been taken to eliminate or reduce any risk.

Before using mobile lifting equipment the following safety precautions should be taken:

· The working environment: Routes should be leveled, marked and planned in such a way as to avoid potential hazards such as overhead power lines and steeply sloping ground. Where possible a one-way system should be used. Speed limits should be required and clearly displayed, they should be reduced for adverse site conditions and for areas near work in progress. The working environment should be kept clean and tidy, with floors and access routes clear of obstacles. Good lighting levels are needed to ensure that all potential hazards, e.g. obstructions and spills can be clearly seen. All stairs, ramps and other level changes should be clearly visible and slip resistant; safety signs should be used where appropriate.

· Check machines on fuel, oil, and water levels, water, fuel, and hydraulic lines for leaks, the condition of the tracks or tires, the condition of attachment cutting edges and teeth, visibility from the cab, windows, mirrors and lights, worn or slippery surfaces, etc.

· If vehicles drive backwards when the driver’s rear view is obscured, the help of another worker is required. If no one is available, the driver must walk round to the rear of the vehicle themselves to see that all is clear and give a sound signal before starting to reverse. Additionally, these vehicles should use an audible warning device such as a horn when driving in reverse.

· A crane operator should always move loads according to the established code of signals, and use a signaller. Hand signals are preferred and commonly used. A signaller may be required by law if the operator's view of the intended path of travel is obstructed. The assistance of a trained and authorised signaller should be available when the view of the driver or operator is restricted. The signaler must be in clear view of the operator, have a clear view of the load and equipment and keep other persons out of the machine’s operating area.

· An unattended vehicle should have the engine switched off, and unless the vehicle is on a marked incline the gear should be left in neutral and the handbrake on; on sloping ground the wheels should also be chocked. Tipping bodies should be lowered when the machine is unattended, but if it is occasionally necessary to leave them in the raised position they should be blocked to prevent their fall.

· Drivers and their assistants should wear safety shoes during loading and unloading.

Requirements for lifting of personnel

Lifting of construction personnel shall be avoided unless it is the least risk option. Personnel transfer by lifting is not permitted in hours of darkness unless specifically approved by the site manager and supported by thorough risk assessment and assessment of alternatives.

The equipment used for lifting personnel for work and for personnel transfer shall be specifically designed, certified and clearly marked as suitable for personnel lifting and should not be used for any other purposes. Using lifting equipment which has not been specifically designed for lifting people should only occur in exceptional circumstances, e.g. for rescue purposes.

All personnel lifts shall be classed as non-routine lifts and be subject to stringent planning and controls, risk assessment and written authorization by the site manager. Before the lift, the person in charge of the lift shall sign to confirm all involved personnel have been trained and understand the lift plan and the risks involved. Pick up/set down areas shall be of an adequate size and free from hazards affecting access and egress from the carrier. Environmental and other limits for personnel lifts shall be set out in the lift plan with clarity on where they differ from limits for other lifting. In case of any changes in job scope or conditions, the job shall be made safe and stopped, risks re-assessed and a pre-job meeting executed before the job is restarted. Examples of such changes include weather conditions, day or night operations or changes in personnel or equipment involved.

Equipment for lifting people shall be fitted with two distinct mechanisms for preventing the load from falling, one of which shall be self-acting/fail safe. Any free-fall possibility should be locked out.

Personnel lifts shall only be conducted where there is line of sight (full visibility) between the equipment operator and signaler, and between the signaller and the person being lifted.

A rescue plan shall be prepared for all personnel lifts as part of the lift plan. All equipment required to implement the rescue plan shall be readily available prior to and during the lift. Rescue plans shall be practiced at regular intervals. Note that rescue operations can introduce their own hazards; therefore the planning and execution of rescue exercises requires particular care and attention including additional risk assessments. A test lift without personnel shall be carried out where there is confined access, potential for snagging or other hazard.

At Universal Engineering, no client would be having a void of worry as we cover everything from start to finish. We are here to solve your lifting problems whether it is advice or to design your dream lifting equipment. We prioritize our lifting equipment services like beam lifting equipment , spreader bar lifting equipment, spreader beam, lift beam and four point spreader lift beam (spreader bar for lifting and load spreader). Along with this we do spreader beam calculation and design. UES provide one tone spreader bar which is in stock and available worldwide via Universal engineering distributors and rental partners for any lifting equipments in a cost effective manner.


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